Agile Software Development Teams - How Do They Differ From Traditional Software Development Teams


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Agile Software Development Teams - How Do They Differ From Traditional Software Development Teams

Software development assumes many expressions between the traditional and modern. Agile development is an umbrella term covering different development paradigms like Scrum, DSDM, and Lean. Using the same core values, they each approach software development in a different way. The more iterative Agile methods are not at odds with traditional development models, per say, as they developed from the best philosophy traditional methods has to offer.

Traditional methods of software development also have numerous expressions like Waterfall development and V-Model. However, traditional methods lack the core set of values to which Agile methods of software continuously refer.

You can think of Agile development teams improving upon traditional methods—which can remain overly involved in planning and testing. While planning and testing are not singularly undesirable qualities, when these activities take the place of talented software coding from the onset of a project, problems that could otherwise be avoided begin to occur.

Agility-managed software relies more on feedback received from users rather than plans or documentation. If a user is unhappy with certain elements of software, no amount of planning or testing will correct that until changes are embraced. Users include the development teams themselves and also folks who aren’t necessarily code-savvy.

Traditional teamwork methods lack the intimate collaboration (and a preference for people over processes) that Agile development teams enjoy.

Traditional development teams incorporate volumes of documentation to record test results, failures and success. This is meant to be helpful but can also grow unnecessarily convoluted with stale and redundant information as minutia is added and changes occur. Agile methods preserve project history with only relevant information and correct archives rather than adding to them.

Although traditional evokes connotations of dependability, the word also implies resistance to change. Agile embraces change as a means of pioneering visionary software by using unexpected change as the catalyst for improvement. While the core value of traditional methods seems to be “play it safe,” Agile is fluid yet emphasizes creating working code from the onset of a project. Agile methods acknowledge that plans are often disrupted by sudden changes—perhaps those made by a client. Developing by increments rather than all at once has proven to be cost effective and time conservative.

Traditional software often focuses too much on the goals of perfect software whereas Agile methods concentrates on quickly delivering working software.

Traditional methods make & deliver software to the client. Agile incorporates the client directly as part of the development team.

Agile development teams were once more suited to small-and-medium-sized companies while traditional software methods helped to keep costs down and ensure critical deadlines were met for large enterprise corporations. Yet, in recent years, has Agile proved its value to large enterprise organizations with custom, working software developed not only to industry specifics but the precise needs of the organizations. In fact, Agile teamwork has proven to be so productive, many companies have adopted Agile core values as part of their everyday workstyle:

  • People Over Processes

  • Responding to Change

  • Constant Intimate Collaboration with Client and Team Members

And, of course, quicker delivery of working software.

If you are looking for the best software talent or need custom software development tailored to the specific needs of your organization, contact the Intellection Group; they can help. Or give a call at 678-283-4283 for all your custom software needs.

ERP, LeadershipDave Bernard